Friday, October 16, 2009

$ Library Millions $

Well, it never fails...I come up with something brilliant and think, " one will ever run with this."  But sure enough, someone DOES pick it up and run with it and makes millions.  Do they read my mind?  No...given time, people will eventually think of my revolutionary ideas on their own.  I'm just ahead of the curve sometimes.  *snicker*

The secret to my really cool ideas?  I don't think like a librarian.  I think like a consumer. 

I serve people the way I want to be served.  I think, "Wouldn't it be cool if..."  And ta-daaaa!  I get this idea to have a real Monopoly Board courtesy of Google Maps  or "hybrid books" with real pages, websites, and video content.  The guy behind the Vook really should be sharing his soon-to-be millions with me.

Anyway, for years I have been thinking how cool it would be if libraries would also function as small-scale bookstores.  How cool would it be to purchase a book with the profits going to the library?  (On the other hand, if this is such a great idea, why aren't libraries already doing this?)

After recently placing a hold on a NYT bestseller and discovering that I am #584 on the waiting list, even I - the #1 library cheerleader - was tempted to just go out and buy it to avoid the wait. 

Sounds like a win-win for everyone...
  • I get my book NOW.
  • The library makes some $$ for their book budget.
  • The library gets the book as a donation when I am done reading it.
  • Person #585 on the reserve list gets their treasure faster.
  • Library circulation goes up because they are attracting new customers.

Of course, you don't want to step on the toes of your local bookstore.  Build a partnership.  Share the profits.  Have book promotions together. (You know the drill.)  They could come and volunteer at your library to see what folks are looking for.  You could also send library staff to volunteer for them so you could see what topics folks are buying so you can update/supplement your library collection.

Book stores do some things, sales, customer service...libraries do those things, too, and could learn a lot from getting an up close and personal view from the inside of a book seller.

Go ahead libraries...make your millions now.

You're welcome.

1 comment:

  1. Actually there are many small libraries that don't have bookstores nearby to compete with. This would be a great money maker for them!
