Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Restaurant (part two)

"So with seven people helping me", I asked Senorita Lola, "who gets the tip?"

(Rumor has it that the owner gets the tips, not the staff.)  She stammered.  She looked around.  She finally said, "We all share it."

I call shenennigans.  Still, it got me thinking...would I want to share my tips?  What if I gave excellent customer service, but Jose was a slacker?  Oh, I'm irritated at Jose just thinking about it.  (Wait...I don't even KNOW a Jose.)

On the other hand, what if I build a team that I TRUSTED?  What if I knew that with each an every customer, each of my employees were going to go above and beyond, ensuring a fantastic tip?  Everyone would pull their own weight.  Everyone SMILED.  Each customer left 100% satisfied.  This should work, right?

More shenannigans!  What that means that my tip - a whopping 35% - equals 33 cents per person. 

So now the dilemma...
  • I don't know for certain if the owner gets the tips.  I don't want him to have that money.
  • If I leave nothing, and the tips DON'T go to the owner, I will feel just awful.
  • If the tips go to the wait staff, do I tip more?  I'm already paying more than I'd like (but seriously, folks, this is deeeeelish). But it's almost slave labor if I only give them 33 cents each. 
I don't like this tip thing, mostly because now I feel cheap.  The tips system should be abolished.  Pay people what they're worth.  God bless America!  Even in Mexican restaurants.

Anyway, I hope your customers don't leave with dilemmas like these floating in their heads.  It's really not very nice.  What are your customers thinking when they leave?  Are they saying, "Huh?!  What was THAT about?" or are they saying, "This place is deeeeelish!"

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